Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Eddie raped the poor crescent bear (R.A.)

AHHHH!!! DOn'tttttt....

the poor teddy's being violated. ahhhh...my nehnehhhhhh!!!

AHHHHHH!!! (oh gosh why is the teddy smiling?!)

heee...look who's the culprit....

Monday, May 02, 2005


Hi guys...i wouldnt have blogged here if it wasn't fer the fact that my blog has been shut down by my very kind hostsite server. now that i ve no avenue to turn to, might as well update ya guys on da class blog.

I'm hoping that Joanna Lam, JJ and our juniors 05A11ians are reading this: im v sorry that ur blogs are all affected cuz most of your layout pics are hosted on my blog...now that my blog is gone i assume you guys have to find a template to replace e prev one...paisehx

I know no one's gonna blog here...shame on you guys!!! neh-nehs. anw i m going to design a nicenice template fer 04A11 blog. hopefully you peeps ll b more enthu about blogging after tt. ha.

oh must really thank cheryl our junior and her family esp her papa for allowing us to bbq at her house yup. e food's not exactly nice, considering e fact that we burn most of e food chaoda X.X but im sure we all had fun. nice knowing e juniors too! okay take care soon...n until e next time i blog on da claz blog which is like dunno how many more gazillion years...ciao!