Monday, July 26, 2004


i'm supremely afraid of blogger. it deleted my entire BLOG once. RAWRS. didn't go to school today. was just sian-ated i guess. worn out. dead.
okie, will try to rejuvenate myself for the carnival. -hypes up-
very very hard. jo what's this about NINE FREE PERIODS? that's the best news of the century i've heard. got so many things to do. oh ya boys. ALL IN POSESSION OF A LITTLE D*CK LISTEN.
that is the stupidest poem i've ever written. or heard of. please excuse me. but you all get the ideas. all guys supposed to help in hanging the banner.
en will now give due credit to everyone. sorry if anyone thinks i'm merciless. i'm just listing out everything that people have done.
jo has been calling balloon suppliers and chocolate suppliers as well as actively looking for cheap suppliers for roses. also a large part of brainstorming. joshua has joined in the brainstorming for one session.
joanna is trying to collect money for the carnival tshirt. HINT*HINT.
edwin has designed a gorgeous poster. everyone can see it.
en has designed the order form, does administrative coordination with teacher i/c, been down for banner painting.
woon has been going down to balloon suppliers, doing the flyers to be pasted on ct benches.
andrew huixian shunling have been working conscientiously for the banner, including purchase of materials and design.
furthermore andrew huixian shunling charmaine stephie ziyao have painted dilligently till 7+pm. i am so grateful, the banner looks awesome.
joshua has come down to say hi twice. there are some (unconfirmed list) who have come on saturday to paint as well.
an unconfirmed list painted on thursday. please inform me on who you are.
tammy jessmin have been involved in mixing paint and dedicated an hour plus each to the banner painting sessions.
stephie has also been involved in negotiations with the interact club.
lemme clarify: no intention of pissing anyone off. stating very factual things. if you have done something significant which should be up here, please inform me. otherwise please look at what the class has been doing. some of the guys, i insist you be there to hang the banner, help with the costumes, or at least try to publicise what we are doing to some people.
some stuff that you can do.
- the order forms should be given out by wednesday/thursday latest. publicise for the class.
- get your black outfit. someone please offer to look for masquerade masks, cheap ones.
- we'll need people to photocopy things. anyone's mom/dad can photocopy? i'm afraid my mom and dad together can only photocopy about 200-300 copies. we might need up to a thousand. this is a serious problem at the moment.
- anyone want to make a website/diary? just a simple website to explain all the items we're selling so that we can include it on the order form and the consumer will have more faith in our products.
that's all i wanna say. thanks to everyone who's shown an interest in what the class is doing. thanks to lots of people for really putting in effort. :)
another week to go. i am cautiously optimistic.

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